Waterfagile - how does your actual software development process look like?

Software engineering in research projects is influenced by fixed and highly determined (waterfall-like) project planning and at the same time very (agile) iterative, incremental and open-ended approaches to the ongoing development of the software.

We found for our group, that a purist approach to a certain methodology (waterfall. scrum, xp, which we tried to implement) does not really fit into this hybrid setup of research projects, involving software development.

I'd like to exchange and collect ideas and experiences with other RSE on their methodologies, especially how well these methodologies are actually "lived" day by day, including the challenges they face and the tools they use. This may also vary a lot by field and discipline and the actual goals.

Session chair(s)
  • Jan Küster, Universität Bremen
Tue., Sep. 26 15:30 - 17:00
Workshop C
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