RSE Educational Resource Discoverability

One of the tasks of RSE (associated) departments is education. This duty necessitates the creation and use of educational resources. As for other products of work in academia, there are open publications of such resources: open educational resources (OER). For other products, such as software, articles, and data, there exist tools and standards that help with discoverability (or they are actively worked on).

I want to use this session to discuss...

  • ... what standards and tools already exist that help with discoverability of open RSE educational resources. These can come from other or more broader fields, for example education in general. Even if they serve only as (good) examples, they can be helpful.
  • ... what information about a educational resources we are interested in, when we are searching for them. What metadata needs to be attached to OER, so that we can easily find what we are looking for. The “we”, in this case, covering both educators and learners.
  • ... what is missing and how could we, as a community, go about creating or adapting tools and standards to satisfy our needs.

It would be helpful if those that are interested in participating will (just like I) prepare answers or contributions to the first two questions.

Session chair(s)
  • Philipp Schäfer, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Thu., Sep. 28 11:00 - 12:30
Workshop C
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