Continuous Integration (and the likes)

Continuous integration techniques, or more general Cx techniques have become the de-facto standard (and synonym) for running various tasks whenever code changes in a repository. These tasks range from running a full-fledged test suite, creating new binaries/containers/documentations, to checking code styles. Yet, what are "good practices" in this field? Should you rather run/trust Github Actions or your own local Gitlab runner? Can you do both? How do you do Cx on HPC hardware? We would like to discuss these and other questions during this break-out session, which should bring together experts from various fields as well as interested attendees eager to learn what this is about. We plan to have a short introductory talk, followed by a discussion on the various questions and planning for future activities.

Session chair(s)
  • Jakob Fritz, FZ Jülich
Wed., Sep. 27 16:30 - 18:00
Workshop C
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